It's shower season! Not for me, but for my baby girl's little friends.
In March I was honored to be help hostess two showers for my little girl's little friends.
First is her friend Caleb.
Caleb's mama, Lynn, is one of my dearest friends. Our husbands play golf together VERY frequently and so we've bonded over girl time when the husbands are gone for half of every Saturday. Caleb will make his arrival in May and I am so excited. Lynn and I have shared such a journey together the last few years and I am so glad that pregnancy and motherhood are part of that journey.
The shower was hosted at Amy's house and I'm stealing some of her pictures!
Hooray for food!
I'm only including this photo because I need to give a shout out to my husband for helping me wrap that giant box. It was Caleb's high chair and Grant was super helpful in helping me wrap and load it in my car. Thanks honey :)
Christen, me and Liz
Girls getting food.
The hostesses with the guest of honor! Elizabeth, me, Lynn, Amy, and Katherine
The shower was a success, there was a great turnout, and we all got to honor our dear friend Lynn and her precious boy. I'm excited that my little girl already has a little boy friend!
The following week I threw a little shower for Liz. She is due with her second baby girl any day now. Her name will be Avenleigh Rose and it was so nice to have a few ladies over on a Thursday night to celebrate Avenleigh's upcoming arrival.
Liz is one of my very closest friends. We "do life" together and she is absolutely precious to me. I love seeing her and her little girl Lily so often and I was honored to give her a shower welcoming Avenleigh. Avenleigh and my little girl will be about 4 months apart in age so they are sure to be best friends!
This was the entry table.
The front door.
Over the fireplace...
The dining room before the rest of the food arrived.
Liz and Lily girl.
I jazzed up the table with some more pink boots and storybooks that my baby girl inherited from her cousin Grace :)
Me, Lily, and Liz. Can't believe Avenleigh will be here so soon!!
The whole gang!
Lily with her cupcake!
It's been so fun to welcome the newest littles to my life!