Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's a Happy Day!!

These are our friends, Daniel & Sarah. WE LOVE THEM. We met at church and now they're in our core group of friends. Sarah has her own photography business and she took our awesome Christmas card pictures for us.

Sarah and I have become fast, dear friends and she is precious to me. We talk every day. She's one of those girlfriends that you really, really need in your life. She's honest, but lovingly honest. She's overcome alot and I have been so blessed to "do life" with her.

Back in August, I was on a Girls' Weekend trip with Sarah and our friends Liz and Stephanie. We had shopped all day and were resting in our hotel room before dinner. Sarah and I were laying on one bed while Liz and Steph were on the other. Out of nowhere, Sarah said "I'm pregnant". The rest of us girls did the casual "no you're not..." until Sarah said "YES I AM. I have, like, 8 positive pregnany tests at home. I'm pregnant".

There was screaming and hugging and I think I hit her in the leg really hard cause she had been lying to us all weekend! :)

Today is the day their little boy comes. Parker Wilson Shalley is on his way. We are SO SO excited to meet this sweet Parker boy. When Sarah was trying for a baby, we were talking about timing and I told her that the Lord already knows Parker's birthday and that everything had to happen in the Lord's perfect timing.

So, April 19 it is! Come on Parker boy! Sarah informed me this morning that she showered and did her hair and make-up.

Please pray for Sarah and Daniel as they welcome their son into the world!