Happy Sunday, everybody! Are we all excited about beginning this FOUR DAY WEEK! I think it is super fun that Friday is the 4th of July and therefore we don't have to work. I think it is slightly annoying, however, that husband gets Thursday off too and I don't. Rude.
We had a really great weekend. Friday night was date night and we went to a new restaurant (well, new to us) called Crappito's. Very yummy. We spent most of the evening eavesdropping on a conversation taking place at the table next to us. It was hilarious, I'm sure we looked like the most uncommunicative couple but we were both really intrigued but the conversation at the adjacent table. It was really above our level of intelligence and we both felt like our IQ level was at about a 43 after we left there. :)
We had a really great weekend. Friday night was date night and we went to a new restaurant (well, new to us) called Crappito's. Very yummy. We spent most of the evening eavesdropping on a conversation taking place at the table next to us. It was hilarious, I'm sure we looked like the most uncommunicative couple but we were both really intrigued but the conversation at the adjacent table. It was really above our level of intelligence and we both felt like our IQ level was at about a 43 after we left there. :)
Saturday I spent my morning cleaning the house and relaxing while Grant played golf with a guy from church. I also watched a french film called "The Young Women of Rochefort". It was made in the 60's and it's this adorable comedy/musical starring Gene Kelly. He does pirouettes up and down the streets of France and I adored it.
Last night we went to Tyler and Laura's wedding. Grant met Tyler while working in College Station. The whole staff came and getting together with all of those people was like a big, big reunion! We hadn't seen most of them since our own wedding and we had so much fun. Tyler and Laura looked so happy and it was a beautiful, God honoring ceremony. However, we kinda sat near the back at the reception and I never could get a picture of the happy couple! I'm just too short, and they had quite the posse around them. I did get some pics of us at our table....Here's a few pics...
We had the iPod goin while we were getting ready to go. Grant was singing some Phil Wickham to me.
We had the iPod goin while we were getting ready to go. Grant was singing some Phil Wickham to me.
We had a great, great time. We got back pretty late and slept through first service (oops!) and headed up to church for second service. I'm tellin ya, we are liking this church more and more every week!
After church, 2 of Grant's friends who were at the wedding last night had lunch with us. It is so cool to see how God changes and leads everyone through all these years. Those are two awesome, solid guys and we hope they come to Houston to visit us more often!
I have been trying to go to the grocery store for awhile now but just can't seem to get a window of time without any rain! It sure has been rainy here!
Meanwhile, I found 2 giftcards for Linens N Things for $125 and am seriously considering purchasing a new comforter! :) Maybe I can swing by and pick that up on the way to the grocery store.....
**UPDATE** :) :) :) :)