It is Monday night and the moving truck will be here Thursday morning. I decided to take a break from all the packing and fill everyone in on all kinds of things!
The past week has been exciting, and tearful, and stressful, and surreal, and just altogether emotionally exhausting! Tomorrow is my last day at work. Thankfully, I am only going in for a few hours. But it is very strange to think that I won't be working there anymore! I won't be making that 30 minute drive to the office 5 days a week.... SO WEIRD!
On Saturday, Katie and Ronda spent the ENTIRE day with me here at the apartment. Those two wonderful women boxed up my whole kitchen!!! I am so so grateful to them for all the hard work they put in. Girls, you definitely took a big burden off of my shoulders!
On Sunday we went to our Sunday school class Crawfish Boil after church. I was SHOCKED and OVERWHELMED when they showed us the cake they had made for us! There was a big picture of Grant and I kissing at the class New Years party (at midnight) and the cake said "Good Luck, We'll Miss You!". I got all teared up. I knew that this Sunday would be our last but saying goodbye to all the precious friends we have made got me all emotional. Everything is really starting to sink in. (By the way, I have pictures of the cake... but as you learned in my last post, Grant packed my camera cord in a box. Soooooooo you'll see pictures later).
While we are very very excited about where the Lord is so clearly leading us, we are also sad to be saying goodbye to our Louisiana home. Grant's family all live here in Louisiana and we are sad to be moving 4 hours away! Thankfully, it is only 4 hours and an easy drive. But still, we are sad. We have been spoiled to be able to drive into New Orleans for the weekend and spend some wonderful golf/shopping time with Grant's parents! And Chase & Ronda live just 5 miles away from us here and we are going to miss that luxury! We are sad and we wish we could take Grant's family down to Houston with us!
Katie and Mo have become very, very dear friends in a very, very short time. We do something with them most every weekend and that will be a big adjustment. However, I am beyond confident that they will be able to come down and visit us fairly frequently. AND, since Grant's family lives in Louisiana, we will be coming back up this way all the time and may have to have a quick meal with our precious friends!
The Lord has answered some major prayers these last few days. We FINALLY found a place to live today that is available for us to move into on Friday. We are downsizing to a one bedroom apartment, but it is a 6 month lease, a GREAT location and it is very pretty inside. We are so relieved to have found somewhere to move to! I am almost done training the girl that is replacing me at work and most of the house is packed up. I just have to finish packing up my clothes in the closet and get CLEANING!
Thank you so much for your prayers. Please continue to pray that we would feel excitement and enthusiasm. It is hard to focus on the big picture when there is so much to do and so many people to say goodbye to.
Also, I have responded to a few ads on craigslist for a job. A few people have called back, so we'll see where that goes!
Love ya'll, I'll keep you updated as best as I can!