David Archuleta from American Idol. ADORABLE. Jaclyn and Jeremy call him Little Man Tate. I want to adopt him and he can live with us and I can just tell him to sing whenever I feel like it. Paula Abdul said she wants to dangle him from her rear view mirror. I concur.
I am becoming more and more obsessed with Jon & Kate + 8. Does anyone else share this with me? I LOVE their show. I think it is so real and so honest, and HILARIOUS. Did anyone see the other night when they were traveling to Utah for a ski trip? Kate said that if their lives were a book it should be titled "Inconvenient Peeing", and then Jon said that the sequel would be called "I'm Sorry Your Shoes Are Wet". CLASSIC. Plus those kids are SO CUTE!
This has become my newest at-work companion. Zero calories. Zero grams of fat. Zero carbs. Holla!
My mom put one of these books in me and my sisters' stocking for Christmas. It is a little book of prayers, one for every day of the year. I read one each morning before I head out the door to go to work. It is WONDERFUL. Short, sweet, to the point, but very moving. It is a great way to start the day!
And last but not least, THE OFFICE IS COMING BACK! After a seemingly never ending writer's strike, they have announced it will be back April 10! Hallelujah and Amen!