Lindsee and I grew up together. And I could not mean that more literally. I do not remember not knowing her. We were toddlers together and went on up from there. We were always involved in the same activities and church functions. She is like family to me and I love her and her precious heart!
One thing that blogland does not get to experience, however, is her "Lindseeisms". You see, sometimes Linds' mouth gets a little ahead of her brain, and sometimes things come out a little wrong. (In her blogs, she is typing so everything comes out crystal clear). Allow me to give a few examples of the times when things don't come out so clear.
Lindsee and I were out running errands together when I stepped out of the car to get something in a store. I got back in the car just as Lindsee was hanging up the phone with Sally, who we were meeting in a few minutes. This is the conversation that followed:
Lindsee: "Okay, so Sally called, and that's why she called".
Jen: "Okay... I'm gonna need the middle part of that story"
She also has her own words, like when her allergies are acting up, she says she is feeling "Allergetic". For reals. It's part of me and Joanna's vocabulary now.
She went through a phase in highschool when she would say "Lindsee es muy consada" about 45 times a day.
She likes to say "parched" and "famished" instead of thirsty and hungry.
My most favorite though, (which I just remembered recently) happened our senior year of highschool. We were at camp for the weekend. A very sad event occured there, however, as we had just discovered that a VERY close family friend of both me and Lindsee had very unexpectedly passed away. We cried all night. Later that night we went back to our cabin to go to sleep. I was in the top bunk and Lindsee was sleeping in the bunk bed directly below me. I remember thinking all night and crying off and on and just being so sad for our friend. I heard Lindsee sniffling and moving around below me so I decided to see if she was awake... this is the conversation that followed:
Jen (whispering): "Linds, are you awake?"
Linds (whispering): "Yeah, are you?"
Jen: silence.....
Linds (whispering): "Oh wait, that was a dumb question!"
Girls, on that very sad evening we giggled into our pillows for 15 minutes. The cabin was full of other sleeping girls and we were trying to contain ourselves. I remember thinking in my head how thankful I was to laugh with my best friend during such a sad moment. We almost peed our pants!
She was the maid of honor in my wedding.... and now we live a whole state apart!! And to make matters worse, our precious Joanna (the 3rd musketeer) lives in MONTANA now! And our 4th bestie, Sally Ann is moving to NORTH AFRICA at the end of this month. We are all so spread out, but I am so so thankful for my friends.
I am so glad that everyone in blogland gets to see her precious heart and joyful spirit. She truly is a treasure to me and everyone that knows her!!