It's been such a fun day. My darling Tiffany came out to visit for the day.... and then tonight me and Grantley decided to get ourselves a babysitter and get ourselves a date night!
Side note: It's so very surreal to have a sweet high school girl come over and babysit for us. I just remember being that girl for years and years, with my backpack in tow. I mean... how am I this old?
We went to see "Captain Phillips" tonight. DUDE. That movie is LEGIT. I was not expecting it to be that good. I mean, really. Really good. And intense. It was like a 2 hour panic attack but it was so good. Give Hanks an Oscar, pronto. Goodness gracious.
After dinner we went to Perry's for dessert and drinks. I sure did get myself a Creme Brulee. My heart is so happy. And now we are home, watching TV and in pajamas. Perfect Friday evening!
Also, this little pumpkin girl is 15 months old:
Ellie at 15 months:
Weight: 17lbs, 14oz. (8th percentile for weight)
Height: 30 inches
Favorite Foods: Pancakes, Bananas, Cinnamon Toast, Grapes, Yogurt, Chicken Nuggets
Least Favorite Foods: Vegetables of any kind
Favorite Books: Brown Bear Brown Bear, I Love You Through and Through, Octopus Opposites
Milestones: Walks about 25% of the time
Favorite Activities: Playing piano and playing xylophone, putting things inside boxes and bags, taking things out of boxes and bags. Going on walks, swinging.
Favorite Show: Bubble Guppies
Words: Uh Oh, Thank you, Mommy, Daddy, Puppy, Bubby Guppy, Yaaaaay Eh-ee! (Yay Ellie!), Ball, Nigh-Nigh (Night Night!), Bye bye, Dean, Pops, Lambie (her stuffed lamb), Hi, Nummy Nummy (food)
She's lots of fun right now and sings Jesus Loves Me and the Bubble Guppy theme song. Just craziness, I tell you!

She is so cute!