Grant and I are so blessed to have such a great family. We cherish the times we get to go spend a weekend in Louisiana. On the drive home fom this trip, we both agreed that this was one of our best visits ever.
We got to New Orleans Friday around lunch time. Grant played golf with his dad while Mom and I exercised in the pool and solved all the world's problems :) Later that night Gammy and Paw-Z came over to the house and we ate homemade red beans and rice with Grant's cousin Beau, his wife Ashley and sweet baby boy Alton. It was so fun to visit with family. Later that night, Grant and his mom stayed up till 3am talking! Even though it was late (or, early) it was such a great time for everyone to catch up on life!
Saturday, Grant and I drove to Baton Rouge to see his brother Chase, and our sister-in-law Ronda and their precious kiddos. (Little known fact: Ronda is the one that first had the idea to introduce me and Grant. Yep! She made it happen and I am forever grateful to her for being so persistent!)
Saturday we played with babies, ordered pizza and watched movies. Ronda and I got to catch up and visit and eat yummy food and the boys talked about their fishing trip and it was just all around a great time.
Sunday morning was the BIG DAY! The main reason we came to Louisiana for this visit was for our youngest baby niece, Olivia. Not only was it Father's Day, but our Olivia was going to be dedicated at church that morning! And after that, we were coming back to the house to celebrate her FIRST BIRTHDAY!!
Here's the precious family before church that morning.
Chase, Ronda, Evan & Emily (twins, age 2) and Olivia Claire (age1!)
Here is Evan and his Pappaw :)
Gammy and Paw-Z also came to participate in all the festivities!
Baba with her girls (or the "bow heads" as she calls them!)
Here is our girl being dedicated at church!
Baba and Olivia after the dedication
Back at home for the party! Ronda had everything decorated so cute!
Me and the girl had a little photo shoot :)
Digging into her cupcake!
Happy Birthday, precious girl! You are a blessing and we love you!

Love the recap, Jen! It was so good visiting with y'all again! Miss y'all already! :-)