Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Real Cinderella

My beautiful precious niece Grace turned 3 this past weekend. After her big party at Gymboree, Grace came back to her house to open presents. Her cousins Scarlett & Juliet were there too. After the present, her mommy and daddy had one more surprise for her.

This is the girls right as they were seeing who was walking through the door.

It was the REAL CINDERELLA. Also known as "Cinda-we-wa". It just so happened that the birthday girl was also wearing her Cinderella gown.

Then, our Grace Parker wanted to show Cinderella her room. Cinderella loved her room.

Then, Cinderella helped Princess Grace put her glass slippers on. THIS WAS A HUGE MOMENT.

The girls were slightly excited to talk to Cinderella. They asked her all kinds of questions.

Cinderella read the girls a Cinderella storybook.

However, she really couldn't get through much of the story as Grace kept standing up and telling Cinderella who was who in the story book. "That's fairy godmother! That's the prince! That's YOU!"

Then Cinderella helped the girls do a craft.

She was very helpful. The twins took this very seriously.

There was a quick photo shoot before Cinderella had to go back to the crawfish boil that she had just come from. Wait, did I say crawfish boil? I mean castle.

It's a shame that this isn't a cute picture.

Bye bye, Cinderella!

Happy Birthday to my beautiful Grace Parker. You have brought me more joy and more laughter than I ever could've imagined. You are such a special, smart, silly, compassionate and imaginative little girl. Aunt Jenny loves you with my whole heart!