Starting last Wednesday, I am the new director for the 3rd-5th grade choir at our church! How cool is that?!?
It kinda happened last minute, but I am so excited for this opportunity. Last week was our first meeting. I have to admit, it was kinda organized chaos in there. Last year I was the assistant director for the PreK-Kindergarten choir. So jumping up to 3rd-5th grade really is an eye opener! I had a few behavior problems and never really felt like I had the attention of the whole group. (There were over 50 of them!) So this week I am praying that the Lord will give me the skills and tools to have a better handle on the kids this week. Thankfully, I have a great team in there helping me.
This weekend was fun! Friday night we went to go see Steel Magnolias at the A.D. Players. This is the same theatre company that I did Anne of Green Gables with and it was fun to see some old friends in this performane. Even though I totally know the show by heart, I still cried. Poor Grant was such a trooper in the audience full of women! :)
Saturday morning I slept in and then went to lunch with Lindsee and Kelli at the Olive Garden. Kelli has been a blogworld friend for awhile, but after Saturday she is now a real life friend and I simply adore her! :)
Saturday night we invited our friends Jim & Liz over. I made lasagna and we watched a funny movie and had a great time. The Lord has blessed us with such great friends! Liz is very pregnant with sweet baby girl Lily who will be here in a month. I have a feeling she'll make her debut a little earlier than expected though. We'll see!
Yesterday we had a great morning at church. Our Sunday school class is doing a series on Proverbs right now that has been really interesting and very applicable to daily life. I'm really enjoying it. Then in "big church", Pastor Gregg has begun his series on Genesis. We are going through creation right now and it is so eye opening and amazing. I am in awe of our God. I highly recommend you going to Our Church Media Page and listening to the last 2 sermons. We are so blessed to be under such a great pastor. My favorite quote from the sermon was when he said "In the United States, we have chosen unity over truth". Good stuff.
After church, we watched the golf tournament and I took a nice long nap. Then we headed out to a couples' shower that my parents were hosting for my lifelong friend Jonathan and his beautiful bride Tara. They are getting married in less than a month. It was so nice to see a bunch of old friends and eat fajitas and visit. It was a beautiful Sunday.
Back at work today... motivated, blessed, happy, and ready to get this week over and done with :)
Have a great Monday, dear friends!!