Lately I've felt like I've "lost my mojo" a bit. I just haven't been able to get into my daily groove, my daily routine. I have been rather unmotivated, highly disorganized and just have had a hard time getting started in general.
This week was a rough week at work. Lots of drama and deadlines and stress and the week seemed to never end. Please don't get me wrong, I do like my job and am very happy there, but sometimes you just have one of those weeks!!
Grant is out of town this weekend. Grant, his brother Chase and his dad Charlie are on a weekend charter fishing trip in Key West to celebrate their big birthdays this year. Grant turned 25 in May, Charlie turned 60 in April, and yesterday was Chase's 30th birthday. The wives sent them on their merry way and I know they are having an absolute blast.
Let me preface this next paragraph by saying that I miss my husband very much when he is gone. It's just me and Moxie here and it gets a bit lonely. However, let me also say that I very much needed a night like tonight. I needed this lonely Friday night to get my mojo back.
I woke up this morning, desperate to make today a better day. I spent some time in the scripture and when I couldn't focus, I recited all my memory verses and got myself up and moving. When I got to the office I immediately started working and didn't really stop for most of the day. I think I realized that Jenny got her groove back when one of my bosses said "you sure are singing alot today". :)
So I've been at home alone all evening. Here are just a few of the things that I have done on my lonely Friday night:
1. Walked the dog
2. Ran the dishwasher, full of the entire week's dishes (like I said, I haven't been very motivated)
3. Watched
several episodes of
What Not to Wear.
4. Ate macaroni and cheese as a meal, not as a side item.
5. Washed, dried, folded, and put away THREE LOADS of laundry throughout the evening. Like I said, I've been unmotivated. I knew I had to do laundry though because I think I was going to have to wear a bridesmaid's dress to church on Sunday if I didn't wash something.
6. Scrubbed a toilet.
7. Prayed about some stuff that needed prayin' for.
8. Sat on my bathroom counter and plucked my eyebrows.
9. Played with face creams and lotions. That was fun :)
10. Played with eye makeup. That was fun :)
11. Updated our home calendar and my daytimer with all the summer weddings, showers, and birthdays.
12. Talked to Grant about the 60lb Tarpin fish he caught today, as well as the 150lb grouper that got away. He sure was excited! :)
13. Finished putting away clothes while listening to my favorite Watermark album.
14. Pride and Prejudice. Enough said.
15. Typed a blog entry just after midnight and just before heading to bed.
I just feel like I really needed a night like tonight to get some stuff done around the house, unwind from the exasperating work week, and feel like I have gotten my life back together in a sense.
It's been a good night. Thank You, Lord.