Monday, March 30, 2009

The Bluebonnets Are Here!

I think I ate my way through all of Houston this weekend! Grant's parents graced us with their presence for the weekend. We had such a wonderful visit with them and cumulatively consumed about 25,000 calories per day. Ya'll we just ate and ate and ate. I had a BALL! :)

We had a Friday night dinner at Cyclone Anaya's, a great Mexican food place. Saturday morning brunch was at The Egg & I and I had more of that belgian waffle than I ever should have. Saturday evening we ate at Vincent's which had amazing dinner and desserts, and Sunday after church we ate at Buffalo Grille which is seriously about to become my new favorite place. Those french fries were ridiculous. RIDICULOUS.

I love food.

We had such a great weekend and sincerely hope they come back again soon!

Also, I have to say that the worship in church yesterday morning is definitely worth blogging about. It is always on fire and wonderful but yesterday was on a new level for me. We sang a song that is new to our church called "The Stand". It builds and it builds and it builds. I was on stage singing with the Gathering Singers (such a fun choir!) and being on that end of the congregation, seeing people with their arms high and heart abandoned, singing "All I am is Yours", practically SHOUTING it, my eyes just filled up with tears as I sang. God has given me such a gift that I can experience worship from two sides. I can experience worship as a soul praising the Lord and singing to Him, but I can also experience it from the other end, watching His church, His people declare loudly and passionately that their lives belong to our Maker. I had goosebumps all over and couldn't help but smile. Such a great morning. We absolutely love our church.
By the way, I have to tell you that Grant finally discovered the "Chip Mates" (referenced in my previous post) and he was not too happy about that. He is mostly upset because the cookies are slightly larger and won't fit in a glass of milk! Well, it was worth a shot....

Spring has officially arrived. I was so excited yesterday morning when I saw the Bluebonnets sprouting up along the highway. I do love my Texas Bluebonnets. And the orange ones are Indian Paintbrushes and there is just nothing prettier than driving on a Texas road and seeing a field of those.

Thank You Lord for giving us so many wonderful things to look at and enjoy!

I hope and pray that you have a wonderful, blessed week and that you find joy in everything!