IT'S GONNA GET BETTER. I promise you it will. There is a reason, there is a purpose. This too shall pass. Your Father in heaven loves you, and He truly wants what is best for you. More importantly, He knows what is best for you. You need to trust Him. I know you think you're super smart and you've got it all together, but you don't. He knows better than you and you've gotta let Him run His show and prove to you how much He loves you!
What you must remember is that even if it is unclear right now, the Lord really is going to just floor you with how amazing His plans are. A little down the road, all of this will come together and make sense and you are going to be sitting there going "Oh.... I see. Thanks for doing that.".
Things are going to get BETTER for you! You are being chosen to receive an even GREATER BLESSING!! In the words of Beth Moore, "Sister, you are not being picked on. You are being picked out!".
My friends, pray for wisdom. Pray for guidance. Pray for His will to be done, no matter how painful it is. He has plans for you. Plans to give you a future and a hope.
Do not allow the evil one to have control over your situation. He finds you in your most vulnerable, miserable, hopeless state and preys on you. He is prowling like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Flee. Flee from him. You can choose to believe in the hope to which you were called. You are filled with the Spirit. You can see past all the depressing here and now. You can rejoice for the blessings that are coming your way!
Jesus has always been faithful to you! He has never let you down before. If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it. He is not going to bring you to something painful and then just leave you there to fend for yourself. Look for Him in that dark place. He is there with you. It just feels so dark sometimes that you forget that He is in the room. He's there. He never left. Ask Him for help.
There is a beautiful Sara Groves lyric that comes to mind:
I can't remember a trial or a pain
He did not recycle to bring me gain
I can't remember one single regret
In serving God only and trusting His hand
All I have need of, His hand will provide
He's always been faithful to me.
I want to encourage you, my sisters, to rejoice. Rejoice because it's going to get better. Rejoice because you are filled with hope. Rejoice because you can choose to believe Him and believe that He isn't leaving you here in this place. Rejoice because it's gonna get better.
And, if nothing else, simply rejoice because you are a daughter of God and He has cleared your name. He has cleared your way. He has gone before you and master-planned this whole life of yours.
Trust Him, sister.

I love you and I think more people than you know needed to be reminded of that. Thanks for always being such an encouragement in my life, you are the best!
i love you!!!!!!!!! THank you for those words! And that song...ummmm how many memories does that bring back :)
ReplyDeleteI love you! I am praying!!!
you have NO idea how encouraging this was to me. Something kinda crazy happened to me with my job today out of the blue, and this is the 1st blog I happened to read this afternoon. After reading this and praying about it, I feel so much better, even though I have no more control over the situation. Thank you for your awesome timely encouragement!
ReplyDeleteJen - thank you for this. I love what you said about "If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it." I'm going to remember that. Very encouraging.
ReplyDeleteAmen, sister.
ReplyDeleteWe are NOT being picked on, but picked out. I love it. Thank you, Beth!
I love you!
Jen...girl, I needed that! Right now, at 10:46 at night and first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHe is so Faithful, and nope, He's never failed once. I want to please Him with my trust!