Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Photos Galore

Okee dokee, I promised I would upload pictures, so here they are! This is my sweet sister Jaclyn and my sweet niece Grace Parker. Grace looks a little squished up in this particular photo! This is a picture of me and the hubby. Grant said that he really appreciates that I posted a picture where he looks "high", but I wanted to show Linds and Jo a picture of my hair! Here it is!Here is mommy and Grace in the guest room. I loved having a slumber party every night! Grace was just perfect.

Here is Grace and Mommy in Aunt Jenny's room. Isn't she just so precious!?

When we were little, Jaclyn had a best friend who lived across the street named Angela. They were inseperable. Angela moved to LOUISIANA when she was 11. They have now reconnected and they both had their babies in May! Angela lives only about 10 minutes from my house! This was their first time to see each other in over 15 years. Here is Jaclyn, Angela, Grace Parker and baby Charlie!

Grace + Charlie = Love 4 Ever

My mom and Jaclyn helped me organize my shoes. There are now 2 boxes of winter shoes in big rubbermaid boxes underneath my bed. Yay for getting organized!

Okay, Saturday night we went out to eat at this yummy resteraunt called Sno's. The electricity had gone out in the main dining room. My sister used a flash in this picture so you can't tell, however, Grant and I were using the lights from our cell phones to read our menu.

This is my mom trying to read her menu using her cell phone!

This is SO typical of my home. I was taking a picture of the arrangement my mom and Jaclyn helped me with above the TV. However, golf is on the tv, which is what most of our television watching consists of! (And yes, that is THE tv!)

Jaclyn and Mom helped me do a little grouping on my dining room wall. And a pretty candle goes on the vase on the table. And the other wall has a big clock on it now. (I'm trying to help you visualize!)

Dad (aka "Pops") was helping Grace walk. I believe at this moment he was singing "Because you're mine, I walk the line"
This was SUCH a precious moment! Grace had been napping, and when we looked at her, her belly was hanging out and her pretty head band had come over her eyes! She was just a hot mess! I scolded her for her mid-riff bareing top!!

The Parker likes to talk alot!
Look at those eyes!!

Here is all the ladies! (Minus sister Shannon and twins Scarlett and Juliet!)

I leave you with this blurry yet precious picture of our litte family, Grant, Jen and Moxie!