Monday, April 16, 2007

CLAM STRIPS, ya Big Idiot!!!

YAY! Girls Weeked 07 was a total success. I had a blast! :) The girls got here Friday evening. We went to Carrabba's to celebrate the birthday of Sally Ann.
We got a free dessert, so I'm very appreciative of Sally's birthday! She's such a hot mama. I'm so glad Sally got a break from her precious little baby boy and got some girl time! Saturday morning we got mani/pedis and had lunch with my sister-in-law, Ronda. (Ladies, we forget to take pictures there! Silly us!)

Then we went SHOPPING! We went to the Mall of Louisiana (which everyone agreed it felt like The Woodlands Mall back in H-town) and found Sally some fabulous jeans for her birthday. After that we went to the outlet mall and I think we all bought a $5 tank top or two from the Old Navy Outlet.

For Saturday night's dinner we went to Chimes. Here is where we totally got the creepies from an OLD man who was trying to hit on us. We had the doorman walk us to our car. :) We are safe!

And then we did something I haven't done in Lord knows how long. We stayed up till 5:00. In. The. Morning. And all 4 of us slept in me and Grant's kingsize bed. We were very cuddly! Here's a few more pictures.

These women are some of the most amazing people I've ever known. All 3 of these girls are so different from one another. They are encouraging, honest, HILARIOUS (She sure sounds Dumpy!) and true friends. When they left I was little sad. :(

Here is my Lindsee with the famous Girls Weeked misspelled cake. Good thing you added water Linds! ;) I thank God for these girls!

Oh, and one more thing: Grant's arm is actually okay. Grant fractured his elbow over a year ago and the doctor thinks he may have aggravated/enflamed the old fracture. They don't think he tore anything so it looks like he may be able to heal on his own in just a few weeks. Praise God! Thanks for praying for him! I hope everyone has a wonderful week!